Sunday, January 14, 2007

sunday freewrite

good morning. thinking of him, thrielller . dancing michael jackson whnen he was good. vincen t price was a great actor. the horror "the thriller" aaahahahahahahahahahahhaha


80's music. makeing new friends of friend's families. little lkieddies. KIDDIES ARE LITTO!!! music makes me lose control. having fun with friends. the beauty of staritgin g over . think this is missy elliot. i miss yhim, but he's having a busy weekend, just like i am. when the kiddies are done with backshketball, we'll be together again. working out for th e 4 of us . can't wait for spiderman 3, hope id to doesn't suck like x-men 3. "who's around soto save you...?"

i have someone that seaved me. i didn't have to be a superhero alone.

birthday's coming soone, thing k thinkgs ah... messed that up ureally bad. dressing up is actually fun. who would have thought. gotta luf the eyes when you show off. like cinderaella at the ball, all eyses on me, love the attention, love the safe distance because you're so radient.

going to have a good year. going to bring my 3.7 back up somehow. can't believe this messed up my bgrades, but no more. i ;m taking care of what needs to be done.

i need to take care of me. have faith, no that's not the right word. i have faith, just not the will to put myself befoer others. i can't believe they samples furirlese? is that how you spell it... ah well.

went to a house party and actually had fun. its wrong to cartegorize people, but they were 80's music listening intellectualls. that 's my crowd. didn't realize i had a crowed, a place to belong. it feels really nice to stay up late and sttalk to a complete strange r who had something very simialar happen to them.

seems like so many people were unhjappy at no, in 2006. and there you have it!!
