Her eyes widened as she weaved backwards through the crowd. She could see white linen peeking through legs and shoulders. Step by step he was getting closer. Dark, brown eyes never left her face. his thumb flicked the hilt of his sword, readying for his move. she started to whimper to herself knowing he was after her. She couldn't tell why or what she had done to make him feel this way. all the takss at hand were completed and she did them with accuracy. but he was coming so close.
she backed further through the crowd until she came to a wall. juast as he neared her,, sword in hand and aimed at her heart she felt a pain in her back. she looked down to see a sword coming out of her chest just as the man in front of her pierced through her clothes. she couldn't see who stabbed her from behind but it didn't matter now. there was little pain, the swords were so sharp. she only felt faint, fell to her knees and blacked out....