Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Star Trek: Chritsmas Get-away (Part 2)

"Are you sure you're okay? I thought you'd be happy they let you come to the party," he chuckled. "I even made homemade macaroni and cheese, just like home."

Lyllandra stopped walking in the hallway, letting a security officer and some others pass by.

"...just like home. Tim," she turned to him, "it's time I go back home."

"Shhh, not here," He pulled her to the left where a corridor was bustling with cooks and replicators. "They'll hear you." Tim looked up and down the hallway, and then sighed when he felt no one was watching, or listening.

"You have to trust me. Once the party's over, and we're close enough, then we'll..." a cook ran by with a plate filled with squirming Filden Gagh. Tim smiled "at least Lt. Worf will be happy tonight."

Lyllandra turned her head feeling sicker than ever. The hallway was spinning before her and she had to swallow several times to keep from re-tasting her Long Island Iced Tea. As she clutched onto Tim's arm for support, she was hit with a gust of warm air and suddenly she was alone.

Light broke through her darkness and she awoke on a beach. Several people were playing in the water, and Lyllandra sat up to regain her sense of location. This was the diplomatic ocean planet of Pacifica, where she first met Tim several years ago. A prank played on a Romulan here, on this very beach, caused her capture and sentence to their prison camp. A shudder ran down her spine at that memory.

Tim came up to her and laid out a plate of food. "This is my latest re-recipe," he held out a plate of pasta covered in a florescent yellow sauce.

"What is that?" Lyllandra squinched her nose.

"You don't remember macaroni and Cheese? Didn't you ever have that on Earth? It was an American past time," he laughed and started to serve it out.

Even then, he was light hearted. After all, he did live for his catering. Lyllandra closed her eyes to enjoy the sun, and when she opened them again, she was back on the Enterprise.

"I can't wait, I have to go now." She started to rise, and noticed she was back in her quarters.

"The guards found you roaming the halls and brought you here. One moment you were next to me, and then you disappeared. What happened?" he was less jovial this time.

"I returned to the past, somehow," she looked at her hands as if she never saw them before. "Tim, can you help me?"

"If the time is now, so be it." He smiled. "Though I don't think you'll be needing that escape pod any more. Come, let's go to the window. It will be easier if you can view the planet itself."

Lyllandra left the chair she was in and slowly looked out her window. Suddenly, she felt sorry for all the trouble caused aboard the Enterprise. The room that was meant to be a prison was convenient. She had a private bathroom, a replicator with an extensive menu of Earthen delights, and a window. Tears filled her eyes, but it was hard to say if they were caused by her nearness to freedom, or for the pain she caused on the ship.

"No matter..." she whispered as she held her hands up to the glass.

Tim was busy jamming the door frequency so that the guards couldn't come in. It proved difficult - one wrong entry and the alarm would sound - but in the end it was finished. He joined her at the window and carefully readjusted her arms.

"Remember like I showed you on Pacifica. Hold it in your hands and meld your mind around it... Go on."

Lyllandra nodded and watched the Earth. As always, nothing happened at first. The great globe of green, white, and blue just stared back at her until she felt comfortable enough to open up. Her mind relaxed and that's when the mountains brushed against her hands. She could feel the cool water in her toes and an unforgiving sun on her forehead. As the sounds of people began to fill her ears, her heavy eyelids closed and she began the transfer.

"Unauthorized entry, please use higher security clearance" the computer chimed behind them.

Someone started pounding on the door. "We know you're in there Miss Wyntir, release the barrier!"

Tim cooed her on "remember the mountains, the grass, the trees... don't stop until you're there Lilly..." He placed his hands on her shoulders, giving her strength.

Tears ran down Lyllandra's face as she reached out further and further.

"I'm home!!" she mouthed, though no one on the ship heard. Three guards burst through the door, shouting silently towards her. One reached for his phaser, but the Lieutenant that spoke with her earlier reached his hand out and shook his head. They all watched as Lyllandra and Tim faded from the room.

Friday, November 25, 2005

Star Trek: Christmas Get-away (Part 1)

I found this awesome site: Captain Picard's Journal that inspired me to write a bit about Star Trek. Seems they are throwing a holiday party on board the Enterprise and many were invited. Here's Part 1 of my tale:

Lyllandra paced back and forth in her quarters, trying to make use of the spare time. The party would be in a few hours, but she could hardly keep her excitement hidden. After so many years of running away, it was time for her to return to earth...

Three nights before, she prepared her clothing. A long, blue silk tunic studded with violet posies and pale green leaves was her first choice. Her own mother embroidered the garment and it was the last thing she had of her homeland. The blue top had matching pants that were wider at the bottom, to allow for boots, decorative or not. Silk is not very warm, but at least it would fool those at the party, let them believe she wasn't up to anything.

Although the Enterprise crew was kind enough to save her, and others, from a prison camp back on Romulus, her past history and run-ins with StarFleet kept her locked in her quarters. This would be her one and only chance to escape.

The invitation was sent around the ship on stardate 59345.8 for a Christmas Party at Ten Forward. She would be allowed to attend for two hours, and then return to her room for the night. That two-hour time frame was just enough time to be seen, and then slip away.

"Room unlocked," the computer chimed. The party had begun.

Lyllandra stepped from her room and made her way to Ten Forward. As others passed her, she smiled graciously, almost regally, as she looked the part. Just as she reached Ten Forward, someone grabbed her hand.

"Miss Wyntir, I'd like to remind you of the security measures for tonight." A gruff security guard warned her. "For the safety of everyone, please, behave."

His touch wasn't ungentle, and he was wearing a ceremonial security outfit, not a common one worn every day.

"Thank you, Lieutenant." Even though she didn't know his name, his rank was easy to tell by the color of his uniform. "I'll do my best."

And with that, she entered Ten Forward.

The band was already jamming in one corner, Guinan was behind the bar, as always, and others mingled as they arrived. Lyllandra went to one of the several replicators and asked for a Long Island Iced Tea; she needed to keep her head clear, after all.

Few gazed her way, and she was thankful for it. A small corner seat concealed her longing gaze towards the planet Earth. Although she wasn't Betazoid, it was known that those from earth sometimes sensed things, other worldly things. This is one of the reason's why she stayed away from Counselor Troi. Lyllandra was always afraid that her true intentions would be known if she met this woman.

Her thoughts materialized when the Counselor entered Ten Forward. Cursing into her cup, she headed deeper into the corner, hoping not to be seen. Now that she was here, there was no way to escape, except to return to her quarters.

She passed by several crew members, hoping not to get their attention when someone bumped into her.

"Hey Lilly, where you going?" A familiar face smiled down at her.

"Not now Tim, I'm not feeling well," was all she could blurt out.

"You do look a little pale. Do you need to go to Sick Bay?"

"I'm okay, really," Lyllandra feebly responded.

"Well at least let me see you to your quarters, okay?"

And with a nod they left Ten Forward.

(End of Part 1)

Stardates taken from this site: http://trekguide.com/Stardates.htm

Monday, November 14, 2005

Saving the Phoenix

Sunlight spilled from the windows and onto a dark, hardwood floor. Sundust danced happily on the rays as the breeze blew in from the high windows. It was hard waiting for the doctor, especially when something so pressing was on her mind.

Being used to this office after only two weeks, the older location was haunted and she scarcely felt safe discussing her dreams with ghosts in the room, she laid down on the plush sofa and watched the sunlight. After ten minutes, it felt like hours, he came into the room, clipboard in hand.

"Thank you for seeing me today, Doctor. It's been a while since our last session, but the dream i had last night cannot be dismissed."

"Mm, hmm," he mumbled.

She had to admit he was handsome. His face was tan and radiant, she knew he was a runner and maybe that helped with the complexion. Dark hair was cut short atop his head and that complimented his dark eyebrows. Some might have called him short, but his confidence overrode any doubts of his ability.

When he sat down across from her, he took off rectangular glasses so she could see his eyes. They were brown with a warmth that offered trust.

After a moment of scribbling on a pad, he looked at her and smiled.

“Okay Kate, what’s been troubling you? Tell me about this dream.”

She nodded and began her tale.

“It’s going to sound strange. This time my dream was not in fluid scenes,” she looked down and folded her hands. “Each scene became more coherent as the dream went on,” now she was hesitating.

“It’s okay, go on,” he gently urged.

Kate took a deep breath. “We were in the water, two children and i. I was one of them, a child I mean. There was sand and a cabin next to the life guard station. It was kind of like a beach. At first we were wading in the water, but then I noticed something in the water.

“At this point, I knew I was undercover, even though I was a child. I had an adult brain.”

“What gave you that impression, Katie?” The doctor decided to go along with her child like feelings.

“I felt as if I knew more about the water than they did. That’s when I noticed the jellyfish. It seemed that they weren’t there before, so I grabbed the two children and asked them to watch out for the little jellyfish. That’s when I started to feel guilty,” as she stared at her knuckles, she noticed they were turning white from her own grip. She quickly released them and looked at the doctor.

“I felt as if I took their innocence away. They were happily playing in the water, until I ruined it with tales of these jelly monsters. They couldn’t have been more than 3 or 4 years old, but I was bigger and a little older, so I took them to safety. That didn’t rid me of that sadness though.”

“Sometimes we must be the truth bearers. Go on, what was the next scene.” His soft voice never threatened her, so she went on.

“Next, I found myself in a gymnasium. I’d regained my adult body, to go with the brain, but there was chaos everywhere. I could sense that she was in trouble…’

“Who’s in trouble?” this surprised him. Her past dreams had been of a man in need of help.

“The Phoenix. I know this sounds weird… but recently the one in trouble has been the Phoenix. You know, the one from X-Men. Everyone was looking for her, or her followers, and since I was undercover, I decided to play along.

“The gymnasium was surrounded by artifacts, as if it was a bazaar from ancient Egypt. One fellow claimed to be the master of some unknown universe, and he’d forwarded all his efforts in trying to find the Phoenix, to arrange her hand for marriage,” at this, her eyes went dull and she was reliving the dream. The doctor sat forward, a little anxious, but watching her all the same.

“I simply tapped his upper arm with the back of my hand and whispered to him… ‘She IS the queen of the universe,’ and left him before he thought to catch me.

“I knew where she was, so I navigated through the maze of tents and posters to where she was sick in bed. Marvelous in her yellow outfit, she sat in a bed, speaking to her friends. ‘You are being hunted,’ I bowed, to show my courtesy. ‘Please excuse this intrusion, but I must get you to safety.’ I picked her up in my arms, with every intention to carry her away to a safer place. So many people were after her….”

“Katie, stay with me. Katie…” the doctor rose from his chair and kneeled next to her own. By now, her eyes had slipped closed and her breathing was shallow. He checked her pulse and was happy with the results.

“Go on Katie… what happened to the Phoenix?”

“I,” she swallowed, it seemed a labor to breathe, even. “I carried her away, and her alchemist came with her. She had a, a drawer, rings. Each,” another swallow, “each had a small marble ball attached. They were used as… as medicine when swallowed.” A bead of sweat rolled down her forehead, though she was cool to the touch.

“Melandra was her name and she had many piercings. Not uncommon for an alchemist. One of her own ball rings was in her lip. Anyway, Phoenix asked for certain medicines according to the maladies she felt. She swallowed one remedy and asked Melandra to throw another away. Although she wasn’t …. “

“Katie, just a little longer, please, keep talking to me.” This time, he grasped her hands in his own, her temperature was beginning to rise and more sweat beads dotted her head like diamonds.

“The Phoenix wasn’t showing any signs of pain, except in her eyes. It was like looking into the sadness of the world, and all it’s terrible power,” a shiver ran through her then, the sweat drops evaporating one by one.

“…joked for a while, the alchemist and I, and I dared to refer to a common friend that we all shared, but the magi ignored her, she was carrying me after all….”

As a smile grew on his face, Kate’s ruddy cheeks began to drain of all blood, despite her fever.

“I simply told her that wasn’t who we spoke of and laughed. I was weak and she was there to protect me. Then I told her she was my Queen, the Queen of the Universe.”

A sharp cry rang in Kate’s ears just then. Something had gone terribly wrong. She opened her eyes and saw a horrid site before her. The seat where her doctor once sat was empty, and next to her knelt a charred figure. Kate wasn’t afraid, however. It was clear what happened.

Her dream was no dream at all. Past nightmares were only so because the person was wrong. Her duty was to protect, however those she protected were never right. She woke up screaming from those dreams, for those that were under her care would always perish. Not until this last dream, could she see clearly.

She was destined to protect herself… the Queen of the Universe.