I found this awesome site: Captain Picard's Journal that inspired me to write a bit about Star Trek. Seems they are throwing a holiday party on board the Enterprise and many were invited. Here's Part 1 of my tale:
Lyllandra paced back and forth in her quarters, trying to make use of the spare time. The party would be in a few hours, but she could hardly keep her excitement hidden. After so many years of running away, it was time for her to return to earth...
Three nights before, she prepared her clothing. A long, blue silk tunic studded with violet posies and pale green leaves was her first choice. Her own mother embroidered the garment and it was the last thing she had of her homeland. The blue top had matching pants that were wider at the bottom, to allow for boots, decorative or not. Silk is not very warm, but at least it would fool those at the party, let them believe she wasn't up to anything.
Although the Enterprise crew was kind enough to save her, and others, from a prison camp back on Romulus, her past history and run-ins with StarFleet kept her locked in her quarters. This would be her one and only chance to escape.
The invitation was sent around the ship on stardate 59345.8 for a Christmas Party at Ten Forward. She would be allowed to attend for two hours, and then return to her room for the night. That two-hour time frame was just enough time to be seen, and then slip away.
"Room unlocked," the computer chimed. The party had begun.
Lyllandra stepped from her room and made her way to Ten Forward. As others passed her, she smiled graciously, almost regally, as she looked the part. Just as she reached Ten Forward, someone grabbed her hand.
"Miss Wyntir, I'd like to remind you of the security measures for tonight." A gruff security guard warned her. "For the safety of everyone, please, behave."
His touch wasn't ungentle, and he was wearing a ceremonial security outfit, not a common one worn every day.
"Thank you, Lieutenant." Even though she didn't know his name, his rank was easy to tell by the color of his uniform. "I'll do my best."
And with that, she entered Ten Forward.
The band was already jamming in one corner, Guinan was behind the bar, as always, and others mingled as they arrived. Lyllandra went to one of the several replicators and asked for a Long Island Iced Tea; she needed to keep her head clear, after all.
Few gazed her way, and she was thankful for it. A small corner seat concealed her longing gaze towards the planet Earth. Although she wasn't Betazoid, it was known that those from earth sometimes sensed things, other worldly things. This is one of the reason's why she stayed away from Counselor Troi. Lyllandra was always afraid that her true intentions would be known if she met this woman.
Her thoughts materialized when the Counselor entered Ten Forward. Cursing into her cup, she headed deeper into the corner, hoping not to be seen. Now that she was here, there was no way to escape, except to return to her quarters.
She passed by several crew members, hoping not to get their attention when someone bumped into her.
"Hey Lilly, where you going?" A familiar face smiled down at her.
"Not now Tim, I'm not feeling well," was all she could blurt out.
"You do look a little pale. Do you need to go to Sick Bay?"
"I'm okay, really," Lyllandra feebly responded.
"Well at least let me see you to your quarters, okay?"
And with a nod they left Ten Forward.
(End of Part 1)
Stardates taken from this site: http://trekguide.com/Stardates.htm
1 comment:
Fantastic, Wyn! This will be part of the Enterprise Christmas Party!
Please send me Part 2 ASAP!
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